Understanding and Using Google Analytics by Yoast
Google collects basic page tracking data from your website. When you have connected your site via a tracking code, you’ll see data in most of your Google Analytics reports, including traffic referral information, user characteristics, and browsing information.
Create a Google Analytics Account
To create a Google Analytics account for your domain, visit the Google Analytics page and sign in to your account. Guidelines from Google are found here.
Then click on the Admin menu item to the next page.
On this page, you need to click the drop down arrow next to the account name to reach the option to create a new account.
Then complete the details on this page following the instructions here.
Set up the Google Analytics by Yoast Plugin
Then visit the plugin in page of your site and click on the Settings menu item for Google Analytics by Yoast. Follow the plugin tutorial instructions beginning with Step 7 to link your domain with Google.

To gain a basic understanding of the process, read Getting Started with Analytics.
To learn the terms and meanings of the basic reports, view Units 3 and 5 of the Understanding Analytics course.
For an in-depth understanding Essential Google Analytics, read through the articles shared at Social Media Examiner.